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Adriano Cavalcanti : Medical Nanorobotics for
By Benjamin Melki, NanoVIP In February, Adriano Cavalcanti and his
colleagues are publishing for the first time the detailed work describing a medical nanorobot hardware
architecture for diabetes (*). This new paper, published in the journal
Recent Patents on Nanotechnology - Bentham Science, addresses the concept
behind the use of nanorobots as pervasive
monitoring devices to help in the therapy of patients with diabetes. NanoVIP decided to interview Adriano Cavalcanti about his current and upcoming works for the
gradual development and future use of nanorobots
for diabetes. NanoVIP: How nanorobots
may help patients with diabetes? Cavalcanti: The nanorobots
may use embedded nanobiosensors to monitor blood
glucose levels, and transmit every two hours this information through RF
signals for mobile phones carried with the patient. If the glucose is
eventually not inside the desired levels, the nanorobots
activate a pre-programmed tune in the cellular phone, which may alert the
patient to take any necessary action regarding the diabetes control with
prescribed medicaments. NanoVIP: What is the advantage on nanorobots for diabetes? Cavalcanti: Nowadays patients with diabetes must
take small blood samples many times a day to control their glucose levels.
Such procedures are uncomfortable and extremely inconvenient. To solve this
problem, the level of sugar in the body can be observed via constant glucose
monitoring using medical nanorobotics. This
important data may help doctors and specialists to supervise and improve the
patient medication and diary diet. This process using nanorobots may be more
convenient and safe for making feasible an automatic system for data
collection and patient monitoring. It may also avoid eventually infections
due the daily small cuts to collect blood samples, possibly loss of data, and
even avoid patients in a busy week to forget doing some of their glucose
sampling. NanoVIP: How do you expect to achieve nanorobots manufacturing? Cavalcanti: Recent developments on nanobioelectronics described through our work show how to
integrate system devices and cellular phones to achieve a better control of
glucose levels for patients with diabetes. Some well established and new
techniques may be used jointly for such aim. Nanoelectronics
in terms of VLSI circuits have demonstrated yet feasible devices with nanometer scales. These same devices can serve in
integrating nanorobots with embedded sensors and
actuators to build molecular machines, through actual manufacturing
techniques and currently in course innovative nanotechnology methodologies. New techniques have been progressing most recently in 3D lithography, new
materials like nanotubes, nanocrystal
for sensors, antennas, and actuators. Therefore, they are together
accelerating even more the downscaling of electronics manufacturing
possibilities. Genomics investigation is putting also closer biologists,
doctors, and engineers, through a better interdisciplinary comprehension
about protein based mechanics for the human body metabolism processes. This
same kind of information has become crucial and insightful for the
investigation and development of applied transducers as nanodevices
for biomedical problems. NanoVIP: What is new about nanorobots in this work? Cavalcanti: This work shows for the first time a
system and hardware architecture with a wireless communication technique to
address the interface and control upload, data transmission, and possibly teleoperation of nanorobots for
diabetes. The detailed description on hardware architecture may support
therefore advances towards manufacturing development of nanorobots. The presented approach may enable practical use of nanorobots
for continuously monitoring patients in a pervasive manner. This can be quite
interesting for patients who suffer from diabetes, but it can be equally
useful for elderly people who needs constant monitoring, and also for early
diagnosis of complex diseases. Another important and interesting aspect in our current development is the
fact that, the similar architecture presented in terms of hardware and system
integration, can be also used for a broad range of applications in medicine. NanoVIP: Beyond diabetes, what kinds
of other biomedical applications can benefit from this architecture? Cavalcanti: For example, you may have the same
concept being used as a basis for nanorobots in
early diagnosis of cancer. Cancer can be successfully treated with current
stages of medical technologies and therapy tools. However, a decisive factor
to determine the chances for a patient with cancer to survive is: how earlier
it was diagnosed; what means, if possible, a cancer should be detected at
least before the metastasis has began. In fact, you have a similar problem about cerebral aneurysm. A critical
issue on cerebral aneurysm is to detect and locate the vessel dilation, if
possible before a subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs.
Nowadays about 50% of patients with cerebral aneurysm die, because it is
detected only after a brain hemorrhage happened. Considering the properties of nanorobots to
navigate as bloodborne devices, they can help on
such extremely important process of early diagnosis. Therefore, such
integrated architecture may support the development of molecular machines to
advance new therapies in medicine. * Adriano Cavalcanti, Bijan
Shirinzadeh, Robert A. Freitas
Jr., Luiz C. Kretly,
“Medical Nanorobot Architecture Based on Nanobioelectronics”, Recent Patents on Nanotechnology,
Bentham Science, Vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-10, February 2007. http://www.bentham.org/nanotec/contabs/nanotec1-1.htm
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